The Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedure

Coronary artery bypass graft procedure is a procedure that is quite common. This is because there has been a sharp spike in the incidents of heart diseases in recent times. This means that there is an increase in the number of blockages and hurdles in the arteries which can further create more heart-related troubles for you. The coronary artery is an artery through which the blood flows from the heart to the other organs in the body. When there is a blockage, the heart and other organs may suffer as a consequence. The CABG surgery is a procedure in which the blockages from the coronary artery are removed permanently. The procedure is something that should be explained to the people.

The Coronary Artery bypass graft surgery procedure begins by removing the grafts of skin from the different parts of the body. After delivering anesthesia, the surgeon takes care to remove the different layers of flesh from different parts of the body like thighs and arms. The surgeon then proceeds to remove the fat and fibers from the different body parts so that they are free from fat and cellulite. These have to be then kept aside so that they are then used for grafting the artery suitably so as to make it work.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedure- Placing the Bypass

  • The next step is to place the main bypass connection in the place of the heart. This can be done in the following steps and stages in the procedure.
  • The heart and lungs have to be disconnected from the blood supply to the other organs as well. The organs need to be disconnected and blood supply should be restored to the rest of the body as well.
  • The heart and lungs can be connected to a separate supply of blood and oxygen from outside as well. So, this will be the second step.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedure- Placing the Grafts

The next step in the surgery is to place the grafts. This can be done by making a small incision in the blocked area of the artery. This means that the grafts of skin have to be stitched together to the part of the blockage. The grafts have to be sealed in to the skin of the artery. This means that you have to seal the grafts to keep the artery and vein intact against all kinds of damages in the future as well. This is one of the final steps of the bypass surgery for repairing the artery of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Procedure- Fixing the Organs

The doctors make sure that the grafts are surtured and sealed right in place. When this happens, the doctor can fix back all the organs back in place. This means that the heart and lungs can be reconnected to the rest of the body and the other vital organs as well. This means that the blood flowing arteries should be connected to the rest of the body so as to continue the normal functions of circulation, digestion and other such crucial parts of the body as well. Therefore, this is the final step of the graft surgery procedure.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Procedure- The Other Steps

After the surgery, the wounds and incisions made in the chest and in other parts of the body need to dressed up accordingly. This can be done by stitching up the wounds and then applying some ointment that will help the wounds and dressed up stitches to be healed perfectly. This means that the coronary artery surgery is a method in which the stitches and wounds need to be tended to before they become worse in intensity. Therefore, you need to take some proper care after coronary artery bypass graft procedure.