Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Definition, Risks, Cost

It is a surgical procedure that is done to correct the flow of blood in the heart. Sometimes major blood carrying arteries get blocked due to various reasons such as high cholesterol, accumulation of fats and narrowed arteries. In coronary artery bypass graft surgery surgeons attempt to divert the flow of oxygenated blood from blocked arteries and they give an alternate route to the oxygenated blood to reach the heart. This route is known as the bypass route. This surgery mainly performed on the patients of heart attack as these patients easily injure their heart muscles and arteries due to which major arteries get blocked.
Every year more than 28,000 coronary artery bypass graft surgeries are performed is U.K. alone. Also, 80% of patients who undergo this surgery are more than 65 years old.

Coronary artery bypass graft definition

Coronary artery bypass graft definition should not be confused with heart attacks. Heart attacks are caused by blockage of arteries and low supply of oxygenated blood to the heart. When a heart attack occurs then doctors perform coronary artery bypass surgery so as heart gets uninterrupted flow of oxygenated blood. Like all other organs heart need an uninterrupted flow of oxygenated blood. This can be interrupted due to accumulation of fats and cholesterol in arteries supplying oxygenated blood to the heart. When oxygenated blood supply reduces or stops in then a person can experience heart attacks. People with blocked arteries are said to have coronary heart diseases.

What Are the Risks of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting?

Here are some of the risk factors that can make you prone to developing coronary heart diseases.

  1. Old age - Old age is a risk factor in developing coronary heart diseases because in old age people’s metabolism gets slow due to which it becomes very hard for them to process fats. Overtime, these fats start collecting in arteries. Old age is a risk factor but not a major risk factor if one takes care of their old age diet.
  2. Smoking - Smoking is a major risk factor and it contributes to 80% of all patients that report coronary heart diseases. Smoking is a major factor because when you smoke small particles start getting collected in your lungs. Due to this your lung provides low amounts of oxygenated blood to the heart. Moreover, your major oxygenated blood carrying arteries start shrinking due to toxins and chemicals present in cigarettes.
  3. High fat diet - Having a high fat diet is also a major factor in contributing to coronary heart diseases in humans. Regular consumption of junk food, refined flour, unsaturated fats and fried foods can put you at risk of developing obesity, cholesterol and coronary heart diseases. These fats and oil gets accumulated in your arteries. This accumulation can later on end up blocking the pathway between your heart and body. Junk foods also contains a chemical know as MSG which also contributes to coronary heart diseases.

Coronary artery bypass graft definition may be simple to read but the procedure is extremely complicated and filled with life threatening risks so, like it is said prevention is better than cure one should start taking precautionary measures in diet and lifestyle to prevent coronary heart diseases in future.