Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Guidelines 2017

Coronary artery bypass graft guidelines are discussed in brief in this article that will help the medical professionals in recognizing the problem and perform surgery according to the condition of the patient.

Coronary artery bypass graft or CABG is an open heart surgery that is done to improve the flow of blood to the heart and is performed on the patients who are suffering with severe CHD or coronary heart disease. This disease is caused due to the formation of plaque in the coronary arteries which are used to supply oxygenated blood to the heart. This plaque reduces the flow of blood to the heart after being hardened with the passage of time which can in turn cause angina pain or discomfort in the chest. Sometimes these arteries with plaque rupture to form clot on its surface which completely blocks the flow of blood to the heart and can cause heart attack.

CABG surgery is done to treat coronary heart disease. During the surgery the blocked arteries are replaced with healthy arteries or veins from patient’s body through grafting method to create a new path for the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles of the heart. Multiple arteries can be bypassed through grafting method during one surgery only.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Guidelines to perform surgery

Coronary artery bypass grafting guidelines guide the surgeons known as cardiothoracic surgeons to perform the most common form of open heart surgery popularly known as CABG. Though, CABG is used to treat CHD or coronary heart disease but CHD can also be treated though angioplasty, by changing lifestyle and through medicines if the condition of the patient allows.

Angioplasty is used to open the narrowing or partially blocked arteries through non-surgical process by placing a stent made of small mesh into the narrowed artery to support its inner walls and keep it open.

Both the processes, CABG and angioplasty, can be used optionally according to the condition of patients heart functioning to treat CHD. If the condition of pumping of heart has already grown much weak and cannot be treated through angioplasty then CABG is the best and most preferred treatment of CHD.

Reasons of following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Guidelines

These guidelines are required to reduce the angina pain and other symptoms that are worsening the quality of life of the patient.

  • Patient can live more active life
  • Heart damaged by the heart attack can also resume the pumping of blood to its normal condition
  • It improves the chances of survival of the patient
  • It reduces the risk of heart attack in future

Coronary artery bypass grafting normally provides excellent results as it improves the flow of blood to your heart and relives the patient from the troubles of angina symptoms like chest pain etc. In most of the CABG cases people live life risk free up to 10-15 years but in some cases symptoms may reoccur at an early stage depending upon the lifestyle of the patient.

Thus one has to follow the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Guidelines even after the surgery t remain healthy for long.