What is Heart Valve Disease and Problem?

Your heart is one of the toughest muscles in the human body, and it is divided into two paths. The upper half holds two chambers and the lower half also holds two chambers. The extreme reverse back to flee the atrium and ventricle chambers. The top chamber or atriums job is to gather blood from outside of the heart and push it into the lower or ventricular chambers of these lower chambers, distribute blood into the lungs and the rest of the body.

There are many ways, for one of your heart valve to become damaged. The valves of your heart may be damaged due to injury, a birth defect or possibly disease. The valve within your heart are designed to allow blood to flow in only one direction, but is damaged. The valves will not operate as designed, there are two main types of heart valve disease one where the vowels do not close all the way and allow blood to flow in two directions instead of one and the other where the valves are stiff and do not open as they should allow blood to flow into the heart chamber.

If you do have a damaged heart valve and the damage is severe enough. You may suffer a heart attack, and if you do not have this condition checked. There is also a possibility that you might die as a result of the damaged heart valve.

There are many calls us of hard foul disease out briefly touch on some of the main ones:

If you use any recreational drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine ecstasy or any other type of drugs, which speed up the heart rate. These drugs overwork your heart, and as a result. It can lead to heart valve disease. There are also birth defects. There have been cases where people are born with a heart murmur or a small hole in their hearts out. There are also several other types of malformation of the heart valves that are detected at birth.

If you think you have a heart valve disease you should contact their physician immediately. You should never attempt to self diagnose heart valve disease is critical that you contact a qualified medical specialist. A good diet and regular exercise will improve your chances of living a life free of heart valve disease. Vitamins see an EE have been shown to help with heart valve disease vitamin E has been shown to improve circulation, while vitamin C has been shown to lower blood pressure.