Acute Coronary Syndrome - Symptoms and Causes

Acute Coronary Syndrome is a serious medical emergency. More than half the deaths caused by the acute coronary syndrome occur within 3 to 4 hours after the occurrence of the symptoms. You will have a better chance of survival if you begin the treatment as soon as possible. Prompt medical attention should be obtained by the people having the symptoms of acute coronary syndrome. You can save a person suffering from the acute coronary syndrome by taking him to the emergency department of a hospital in an ambulance with trained personnel.

People having acute coronary syndrome are usually taken to a hospital having the cardiac care unit. To assess the heart damage the doctors will closely monitor the oxygen percentage in blood, blood rhythm, and heart pressure. Nurses in these cardiac care units are trained to take care of the heart patients and to handle the heart emergencies.

You should take an aspirin tablet if you have the symptoms of the acute coronary syndrome. Call for an ambulance immediately after taking the tablet. Most people having the acute coronary syndrome are given anticoagulant drugs like heparin for preventing the formation of any additional blood clots. The heart tissue damage caused by the acute coronary syndrome can be minimized by providing oxygen through a face mask or nasal prongs.

The method and the timing of opening the coronary artery will be decided based on the condition of the patient when coming to the hospital and the type of acute coronary syndrome. There are basically three types of acute coronary syndrome such as unstable angina, NSTEMI, and STEMI. The acute coronary syndrome complications may depend on:

  • Where the coronary artery block is present?
  • How much blockage is there?
  • How long it has been blocked?

More than 90% of the people having heart attacks will have abnormal heart rhythms. In some cases, the heart rate will be very slow because of the problem in the triggering of heartbeat. When there are other problems the heartbeat will be rapid or irregular. The most important part of the acute coronary syndrome recovery is the cardiac rehabilitation process. This cardiac rehabilitation begins in the hospital itself and the patient will become normal within 6 weeks.

Symptoms and Causes of Acute Coronary Syndrome

Acute coronary syndrome is caused by the sudden blockage in coronary artery. Depending on the amount of blockage and its location, this acute coronary syndrome causes heart attack or unstable angina.

People experiencing the acute coronary syndrome will have fatigue, shortness of breath, and chest pressure. If you think you have acute coronary syndrome, you should take an aspirin tablet after calling for the emergency help. Doctors will use ECG to determine whether you have acute coronary syndrome or not. Treatments vary according to the type of acute

Many people confuse this acute coronary syndrome with heart attack. The symptoms of acute coronary syndrome are similar to the heart attack. Many acute coronary syndrome patients will get treated like heart attack patients.

You have to make regular visits to the doctor, if you want to prevent the acute coronary syndrome from occurring. The doctor visits are necessary if you have a family history of this condition, because the chances of occurrence are high when there is a family history. People over the age of fifty have increased risk of having the acute coronary syndrome.

Some people say that the acute coronary symptoms vary for men and women. But this is not true. The research shows that there are many common symptoms for both men and women. There may be slight differences for some cases. Women might feel tired and their skin will be cold. Both these are symptoms of the acute coronary syndrome.

The acute coronary syndrome reduces the blood flow and so your arteries will not get enough blood for proper functioning of the heart. When the oxygen level decreases your brain will not work and then you cannot think properly. Doctor’s usually prescribe aspirin, statins, beta-blockers, fish oil, or ACE inhibitors depending on your medical condition. Don’t take any of these medications without the doctor’s advice.

All of us think that we know everything about the acute coronary syndrome, but the fact is that we don’t have enough knowledge about this. It keeps us from getting the necessary care. The lifestyle changes can prevent these heart problems and helps you to lead a healthy and happy life.