Risk Factors For Heart Disease and How to Control

Due to the alarming increase of microwave dinners, instant lunch meals, and just-add-hot-water noodles, many individuals are actually putting themselves in high risk factors for heart disease. This is mainly because of the additives and other chemicals that are being included in the food that can be very detrimental to everybody’s health. Sad to say, the majority of the population is actually eating these deceptively convenient but extremely unhealthy foods. This can cause an increased rate of obesity with both children and adults, making more room for cardiac arrests and the like. That is why it is very important that you are very much aware of the things that can raise the chance of you having heart problems in the future.

There are several heart disease risk factors are within your control. However, there are other things that are outside of your control. Heart disease causes roughly 1.3 million new heart attacks every year, more than a 41% of those who suffer a heart attack will die as a result.

Even more concerning, you, just over 300,000 people who suffer a heart attack will die in the emergency room. Others will die before having ever even reach the hospital. According to information released by the American Heart Association. Over seven main people in America have suffered a heart attack. The following is a list of risk factors that remain outside of your control:

Your sex we born Mellor female, if you're born male you are at risk. Your age and older you are the harder your risk. Hereditary factors does your family have a history of heart disease if so, you have a higher risk. Are you postmenopausal, once again, if so, your risk increases. However, these factors remain outside of your control. Finally, what is your race, Mexican-Americans American Indians and African-Americans or more likely to be attacked by this disease than Caucasians are.

Risk factors for heart disease actually vary. There are elements that you can control but there are also some things that you cannot control. For those things that can be controlled, these are smoking, drinking, a diet that highly consists of high cholesterol foods, too much sugar intake, stress, too much caffeine, anger, high blood pressure, and passive physical life. You might want to change these bad habits if you want to completely minimize the risk factors for heart disease.

As for the things that you truly cannot control, these are hereditary, gender (males are more prone to having heart problems than females), race such as African-American, Mexican-American, American-Indians, and post menopausal. These can increase the risk factors for heart disease however, by living a healthy lifestyle without intoxicating your body with cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol, you can effectively lessen the risk to cardiac disorders. Just make sure you have constant exercise, eat healthy and balanced food on time. Sleeping at least eight hours everyday can greatly lessen your stress levels avoiding unnecessary toxins that can be dangerous to your health. These are the things that you need to look out when you want to live longer without having to worry about heart problems.

How to Control Heart Disease Risks :

There are several factors that remain within your control by making some simple changes in your lifestyle. You can dramatically reduce your risk for being attacked by this killer, heart disease risk factors that you can control include Colin.

  • Smoking: if you smoke now the time to stop.
  • What your cholesterol level? Hi Lo or otherwise, if your cholesterol is anything other than normal. Consult your physician to determine which you need to do to bring it back to normal.
  • Are you physically active? Going to a gym for other types of physical activities have been shown to reduce your chance of being attacked for heart disease.
  • Obesity, are you overweight? By overweight, what I mean is, are you more than 20% over the ideal weight for your body. Almost everyone in America today is a little bit overweight.
  • Are you living a stress-free life? Don't allow life's little problems to stress you out. Studies have shown that people lead high stress lifestyles have a higher chance of being attacked by this killer. You want to eliminate stress and anger from your life.

Here are a few more ways that you can reduce the risk of being attacked by this killer:

  • Quit smoking.
  • Lower your cholesterol levels -- this is very important and very easy to control.
  • Control your blood pressure -- over 60 main people of the United States have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Have a pressure is the most common heart disease risk factor. Nearly 1 in three adults in America are blood pressure, high blood pressure and stress go hand-in-hand. Again limiting stress this much more for you than lowering your risk of heart disease.
  • You set up a time to do your physician so that he or she can talk with you about the heart disease risk.