Treating Heart Disease with Diet

Heart disease is known by several names, it is most commonly called coronary heart disease (CHD) or coronary artery disease. Your coronary artery is one of the blood vessels designed to deliver blood to your heart. If you could see one of your attires, it would resemble a small tube. Plaque is a fatty substance that can build up in your arteries. Plaque build ups slow the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart, creating a life threatening heart condition. If this build up of plaque is not corrected it can lead to a massive heart failure, or heart attack. Take a look at number 3 to see the heart disease diet.

Heart disease affects both men and woman, though it seems to attack men more than woman. In some cases it is a hereditary issues, it also is something that can build up over many years. If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, or a diabetic your chances of being attacked by this disease are much higher. If you have high cholesterol, are also facing a greater chance of being attacked by this killer. Heart disease can be caused by smoking, eating fatty foods, as well as sugary foods, excessive drinking, and leading a sedentary lifestyle. The length of your life my very well depend on the healthy choices you make today. You should retain from participating in activates that can be counter productive having a strong heart.

I've created a list of seven amazing tips for reducing the risk of heart failure. I’ve also included the heart disease diet. If you follow these tips you can possibly eliminate the chance of ever being attacked by heart disease:

1) Don't Smoke At All

Don't smoke, if you are a smoker now... stop! The nicotine in your cigarettes increases your blood pressure. As you inhale nicotine in your system, it stimulates the release of adrenaline. As a result of the adrenaline boost, your blood vessels actually get smaller, they constrict. Your will began to beat faster also.

2) Don't Drink - Stop Completely

Don't drink, if you are a heavy drinker you'll want to stop altogether. If you aren't able to stop completely, you'll want to think about cutting back. Drinking also causes your blood vessels to get small in size. Again your vessels are constricting, and your heart is beating at a much faster pace. Needless to say you really shouldn't be drinking and smoking at the same time. These two activates do not have your hearts best interest in mind. On another note studies have shown that red wine contains licopene which actually aids in preventing heart disease. Some people say that a glass of red wine with your meal is actually healthy for oneself. You should consult with your doctor before following any advice given to you.

3) Maintain a Healthy Diet

You need to maintain a healthy diet, your diet needs to be on that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best things your can do to lower your chances of being struck by heart disease. A healthy did will help you prevent heart disease. If you do eat foods that are high in fat, stop! Your body actually turns saturated fats into cholesterol; this is not good for your heart! Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet is great as well as food that is not processed. You should strive to eat foods that are low in sodium, have no perversity and are not processed. This is good for more than your heart, the rest of your body will thank you if you change your eating habits.

4) Do Your Work Out Regularly?

If not, now's the time to start. You should exercise regularly; regular exercise has been proven strengthen your heart, and lower the risk of heart disease. Even something as easy as walking can be beneficial. Walking will also help to lower your blood pressure. Before you start any new training programs, you'll need to consult with your doctor to make sure that it's ok for you to do.

5) Monitor Your Blood Pressure

If you know that you have high blood pressure or that you possibly have hypertension, talk with your doctor about ways to lower the blood pressure levels. Then, and this is where a lot of people miss the mark... Listen to and follow your doctor’s advice! Doing so may add many more years to your life... disregarding the advice given to you by your health professional may be detrimental to your long term health.

6) Keep Diabetes in Check

If you are diabetic, keep it in check. Take good care of yourself, this tip is huge if you live with diabetes. You will have to make sure that you maintain a proper lifestyle, diet, and that you exercise on a regular basis. If you are pre-diabetic you will want to follow your doctor’s advice on preventing your condition from becoming full blown diabetes. You will also want to check in with you doctor on a regular basis, annually should be ok. Your doctor will tell you how often you should come in.

7) See You Doctor on a Regular Basis

I saved this tip for last, it's the one tip that people brush off. It's also the one tip that has the greatest chance of preventing heart disease, possibly saving your life had you otherwise not followed this tip... See you doctor on a regular consistent basis. Go get regular checkups, be sure to stay on top of any health concerns. If your doctor tells you that you are al risk for heart disease, you will want to talk with your doctor about taking a low dose of aspirin every day. Aspirin has been shown to reduce the chances of having a heart attack.

So there you have it, seven amazing ways to reduce the risk of heart disease. Your family, friends, loved ones, and body will thank you for following these tips. If you don't have an appointment already set up for your next check up. Go ahead and call your doctors office now and set one up.