Ischemic Heart Disease Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Ischemic heart disease is a condition where the blood supply to the heart muscle is reduced due to coronary artery disease. It is more common in men than in women and often occurs with advancing age. In the West and in most industrialized countries, ischemic heart disease is the common cause of death as well as the common cause for hospital admissions. That full definition ischemic heart disease is.

Types and Causes

Ischemic heart disease is basically a condition where the blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart become narrowed. As such, not much blood and oxygen get through, causing the heart muscle not to work as well. The common cause of IHD is the buildup of plaque or coronary heart disease, which may lead up to heart failure and heart attack.

Signs and Symptoms

The common symptom of ischemic heart disease is chest pain or angina. At times, patients do not notice any other symptoms but the signs usually develop over time.

Patients with IHD may rule out fatigue, loss of appetite, irregular heartbeat or palpitations, shortness of breath, and swelling of the lower extremities in association with the condition. Other ischemic heart disease symptoms are enlarged liver, extra heart sounds, crackles, and other signs of heart failure may also be associated as symptoms of ischemic heart disease.


Different treatments are called for different levels of condition. Some ischemic heart disease treatments for patients are put through a drug therapy; some are implanted with devices that will help monitor and regulate heartbeat. Such implantations include a pacemaker and a defibrillator, which send electrical signals to the heart and normalize heart rhythms.

Patients with ischemic heart disease are also encouraged to make important lifestyle changes, which will improve chances for survival from further complications.


Heart-related conditions are often prevented by managing the controllable risk factors. Prevention ischemic heart disease is by committing to healthy lifestyle habits will help minimize a person’s risk not just for ischemic heart disease but for other conditions as well.